Area young professionals and local businesses with excellent workplace culture were honored at Lynchburg Business magazine’s annual awards event.
On July 13, 2023, Lynchburg Business magazine had the honor and privilege of recognizing Lynchburg’s Top 20 Under 40 recipients and the Best Places to Work, as voted by our business community.
Taking place at RidgeView Event Center, it was a night of fun and celebration, with two unique groups coming together to celebrate excellence in business and leadership. Those who were presented with awards brought a crowd of supporters, mentors, and colleagues to cheer them on, which made for an even more festive occasion. While attendees and honorees mingled and connected with one another, they indulged in a delicious spread of food provided by Repast Catering, and desserts provided by Sweet Indulgence.
Awards were presented by two 2022 Top 20 Under 40 recipients, Dr. Ghislaine Lewis and Dr. Andrew Anderson.
See our full photo album here. (All photos by Ashlee Glen)
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