Small Business on the Rise: T4TACTICS
Marko Galbreath is no stranger to tragic situations. As a former Homicide Investigator, SWAT team member, and Commander of a Hostage Negotiations Unit, he has seen firsthand “numerous, senseless, violent attacks.”
It’s why he decided to bring awareness and survival training to the Central Virginia region and beyond through his business T4Tactics.
The name explains it well: “The name ‘T4’ stands for the top four organization skills you need to survive the unthinkable.”
Galbreath shares those top four skills and much more in his training seminars, firearm safety classes, and permit courses. Through the Advanced Active Shooter Awareness and Response Training offered by T4Tactics, Galbreath helps inform and train businesses, churches, schools, healthcare facilities, and more on how to be prepared for a live shooter attack.
He also offers children’s firearm safety classes that highlight the importance of awareness; these classes teach “kids how to react if they ever find an unsecured firearm,” Galbreath says. The class uses fun activities to drive home the importance of awareness and safety around firearms.
T4Tactics’ primary offerings focus on firearm safety classes for the Virginia and multistate concealed permits plus the corporate training seminars.
Not only do the trainings give individuals the knowledge, awareness, and skills to stay alive but they also “reduce injury, and in many cases, can reduce liability and insurance costs for facilities,” Galbreath says. Topics covered include identifying a potential threat and having a survival mentality.
Galbreath custom designs his corporate classes to suit the organization being trained; it is not a “one size fits all” approach. Their website defines it as “evidence based curriculum with a goal to bring a heightened level of situation awareness.” Past clients include Lynchburg’s Miller-Motte Technical College, BMS Direct, Lynchburg’s YMCA locations, the Lynchburg Regional Business Alliance, and many more.
In addition to his experience, Galbreath highly values scholarly sources. “T4Tactics is unique because we spend the revenue and time to gain primary sourced information, which is not sugar coated or exaggerated,” says Galbreath. “Personal, one-on-one, face to face interviews are critical to us.” Galbreath has personally interviewed both “victims and assailants” of past attacks. He’s interviewed police investigators and survivors from such high profile situations like Virginia Tech, San Bernardino in California, The Pulse Nightclub in Florida, and Columbine High School. His lectures are informed with “extremely unique primary-sourced information.”
Virginia is not exempt from the uptick in violent attacks across the country Galbreath points out; Smith Mountain Lake and Virginia Tech both had attacks in recent years.
“People tend to use denial as a defense,” he says. “[But] it’s better to have the training, tools, and knowledge and not need it, than to not have it and need it.”
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By Jennifer Redmond