Our People, Our Customers, Our Communities

With a vision of building a company that employees would be proud of, providing customers the best possible service and giving back to the community, Dale Moore founded Moore’s Electrical and Mechanical in 1985. The thriving company has experienced growth almost every year since they opened, and currently has 570 full-time employees.

“One of the biggest things that sets us apart is the focus that we put each day on our vision,” said Andy Moore, president and CEO. “Our vision is not just words or propaganda or marketing material.” Moore, the son of the company’s founder, has worked for the company for 18 years.

Moore’s offers a variety of services, including commercial electrical and mechanical services plus industrial electrical and mechanical services.

Their commercial service division also offers electrical and mechanical services. Additionally, they have an automation service division which deals with building control.

“When my dad started the company in 1985, he had a vision of creating a great place to work, for people to love their job, to take care of our customers, and to give back to the community,” Moore said. “Here we are 30 years later; each day we really work hard at fulfilling that vision.”

To celebrate their 30th year, the company hosted a special luncheon and also continued the celebration by inviting all their employees, their spouses and children to Kings Dominion. Additionally, they revamped the company’s image, creating a new logo that has special meaning to the company.

“As we moved into 2015 to celebrate our 30th year, we felt like it was time to rebrand, or update our logo,” Moore said. “One thing that we really wanted to add was a symbol.” Their new logo is not just a logo, but it is a symbol that holds significance to the company because it represents what the company stands for.

“Our symbol actually has meaning,” Moore said.

“If you look at it closely enough, the background has three pillars, and the three pillars stand for our vision… our people, our customers, and our community.”

At Moore’s, employees are referred to as “partners” and are held in the highest esteem. The company strives to create a close-knit community among their partners. Each month they host a luncheon and invite their employee-partners to attend. Although some have argued that customers should always be number one, at Moore’s, the employees are the priority, believing that valued employees lead to a more successful business, which in turn, benefits customers.
“If we create a great place to work, if we take good care of our people, then they’re going to give that customer great service,” Moore said. “Our folks here feel like they’re valued, they’re cared for, they’re not just a number…that sets us apart.”

What also sets Moore’s apart is their focus on being a “servant leadership company.” Since 2002, servant leadership has been implemented and began changing the culture of the company’s leadership.

“A servant leader is an egoless leader who just treats everyone with respect no matter what your position and title,” Moore said. “No matter who it is,
we’re all equal; we’re all treated with respect; we just have different job titles and different responsibilities.” According to their website, the traits of a servant leader include being “trustworthy, egoless, unselfish, caring for others, listening to people, valuing opinions, having faith in people, holding people accountable, desiring to see people grow and mentoring others.”

“We’ve been very blessed, and we’ve grown a lot,” Moore said. “Our growth revenue in 30 years went from zero to an 80 million dollar plus gross revenue company, but for us it’s not about being the biggest.

We always say we want to be the best, and we try to run a very professional organization, and if the growth comes organically, so be it. We just rely on the Lord’s wisdom every day to put us in the right direction.”

The third aspect of their vision, serving the community, is of the utmost importance to Moore’s. In 1999, Moore’s leadership began contributing 10 percent of their annual profit to Christian organizations. Now, Moore’s Charitable Foundation is an official nonprofit and still donates 10 percent of annual income, seeking to assist youth organizations through funding.

“The 10 percent number is based on the biblical principle of tithing,” Moore said. “Over the years this money has gone to more schools, youth and youth ministries than I can remember.” Some of the places they have donated to include Faith Christian Academy, Altavista High School Microsoft TEALS Program, individual international missions trips and various youth groups.

“In the future we hope to be able to help with scholarships for vocational or trade school training and higher education,” Moore said. To receive funding, there is an application process that can be started online.

“We also donate labor, and we are currently providing donated labor to help relief clean-up for victims in Appomattox who received tornado damage,” Moore said. “These are just ways we have an opportunity to fulfill the third part of our vision, which is our community.”

Currently, Moore’s has three locations in Altavista plus locations in Charlottesville, Richmond, Chesapeake and Manassas. Their service area includes the Commonwealth of Virginia, but their commercial service division also services North Carolina. Locally, they do a significant amount of work for Liberty University and Construction Management Associates (CMA), Inc.

They regularly work with Jamerson Lewis Construction, Glass and Associates, Inc. and Blair Construction.

“This was my dad’s vision 30 years ago, and we’ve been very blessed to go from one guy…to where we’re at today,” Moore said. “Our people are extraordinary. Those folks everyday are what make everything else possible. We’ve got great people, and they do a tremendous job.”

By Megan L. House